
Loving Lucifer: the Perils of a Demon Lover – with quotes from novelist Josephine Hart (‘Damage’) Updated 2/20


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Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

When I was in my teens and so in love with love that my heart was broken almost every other day, I stumbled upon a novel that gave such an intense poetic nuance and substance to my pain that I still refer to it after all these years. From Wikipedia:


Damage is a 1991 novel by Josephine Hart about a British politician who, in the prime of life, causes his own downfall through an inappropriate relationship. It was adapted into a film of the same title by Louis Malle in 1992, as well as into an opera (calledDamage, an opera in seven meals) by Greek composer Kharálampos Goyós in 2004.

Today I am lost in a haze of sadness. Today I recognized the symptoms of alcoholism and denial resurface in my blue eyed, golden haired fallen angel like a shark’s fin in the ocean close to a group of unsuspecting swimmers. I remember the screams, the blood, the floating bits of heart flesh that come bubbling up in an otherwise blue ocean of dreams soon after that fin surfaces. My heart refuses to feel that pain again so it goes into an automated process of shutting down and raising shields. As it is, that spiritual shark is circling around the closed underwater dome of my heart, but that dome is not merely closed, it is armed with torpedoes that could turn that shark of a man into sashimi.

There was a full moon in the starless sky. I thought how rarely I had noticed such things. Some deep failure of the soul perhaps. An inherited emptiness. A nothingness passed from generation to generation. A flaw in the psyche, discovered only by those who suffer by it. JOSEPHINE HART – DAMAGE

I could have his soul for breakfast and that particular meal wouldn’t make me anything other that a wise woman tired of going through the same old shit. Souls like his have holes like Swiss Cheese and add a flare to a ham sandwich. I like my souls on sour dough bread with a thin film of Miracle Whip Light mixed with some Honey Dijon Mustard. I’ll have that with a Mimosa and carry on as if nothing happened.

That is my story, simply told. Please do not ask again. I have told you in order to issue a warning. I have been damaged. Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive. JOSEPHINE HART – DAMAGE

Like the doomed affair in  Damage our relationship is obviously fraught with danger because I am the adult child of an alcoholic and he is once again plunged into the depths of his disease. And yet, love draws us together as it has over 18 years. But as big girls know … love is never enough … it just makes it hurt even more than it could.

I always recognize the foces that will shape my life. I let them do their work. Sometimes they tear through my life like a hurricane. Sometimes they simply shift the ground under me, so that I stand on different earth, and something or someone has been swallowed up. I steady myself, in the earthquake. I lie down, and let the hurricane pass over me. I never fight. Afterwards I look around me, and I say, ‘Ah, so this at least is left for me. And that dear person has also survived.’ I quietly inscribe on the stone tablet of my heart the name which has gone forever. Th inscription is a thing of agony. Then I start on my way again. JOSEPHINE HART – DAMAGE

This is a karmic soul connection of epic proportions. He is not my twin who is ultimately more understanding but ever so unattainable. He is the fallen angel, the demon lover whose inner demons have trampled across the delicate pathways of my psyche because I have let him … I have welcomed him back every single time … because “I’m  Just a Sucker for Pain.”



The Simple Science of Removing a Jar Spell


What is in a Jar Spell?

A traditional jar spell requires prayers along with a list of ingredients that include herbs, stones, inanimate objects and “personal concerns”  such as: blood, urine, hair, semen, vaginal discharge, fingernails, skin, etc… ( things that carry DNA).

How can you break it?

Aside from the traditional methods of breaking a jar spell, a new method is simply changing the composition of your personal concerns. Since your personal concerns identify you, then changing their chemical composition breaks that connection. Think of it as changing one letter or number on your passwords. That change can make it impossible for a curse to ‘log in’.

How can you change you personal chemical composition safely?


Very simply, increase or decrease a vitamin in your diet. Examine your diet and find a substance that you can increase to your benefit. In my case I have increased my Vitamin D intake by taking sublingual drops. Studies show that more than 40% of Americans are deficient.

How can you maintain your level of safety?

Never allow anyone access to your personal concerns! Empty your garbage regularly. Be careful of where you dispose of empty cups or cigarette butts. Be careful of where you dispose of tampons or used condoms. Be careful at the beauty shop where strangers can obtain samples of your hair and nails.

About Marie Bargas:

For readings or consultations: marieismagick@gmail.com



Dreams: Are they just clutter from your subconscious or are they something more?


The typical dream is the outcrop of your subconscious processing data. Your subconscious is the hard drive in which your thoughts and feelings are processed and sorted. The occasional stray bits of data combine in patterns which you experience as a dream.

The prophetic dream occurs when those patterns are no longer random, but arranged to give you a message. This may become a recurring dream to give you time to figure it out.

There are some people who are gifted psychics, telepaths and/or witches, who know how to invade your dreams and influence your subconscious. Essentially, some “spells” are just the result of influencing your subconscious.

I invite you to sort out what sort of dreams you are having, interpret what they mean, and choose what you want to do with that information.

To make an inquiry and/or book at a reading:




When a Love Spell Backfires …

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Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

As we approach Valentine’s Day many of you are thinking of casting love spells without any training in magick because those cute little spells you’ve found online look so harmless and fun. Instead, what you’re asking for could be the worst experience in your life so far. Let me tell you from experience, when a love spell backfires it’s like an explosion because the energies of Love are magnetic and potent. So rather than bore you with a discussion of Occult philosophy, I’ll break it down to a few simple rules.

  1. Any spell is subject to the laws of Karma. That’s right kids. For every action there is a reaction and sometimes you don’t get the reaction that you were hoping for ESPECIALLY if what you are trying to manifest is against someone’s FREE WILL. Timberlake expressed it best when he sang, “What goes around comes around… “


Whenever I work with ‘Love’ these days I prefer to do ‘Attraction’ Spells where potential partners have a choice. It’s less invasive and incurs far less karmic debt. Think about it … are you willing to interfere with any potential future relationships just because this time you are yearning for someone specific?

So, before you decide to take the powers of Nature into your own hands, think very carefully about what you are doing.



One of the worst things that anyone can do is put the blame on you for something that they have done to themselves … especially is you are both in the magickal community. I often talk about KARMA and this is one of those situations in which someone can literally entangle you in their karma for Goddess knows how long. It’s a narcissistic tactic that uses your visibility to reflect the presence of someone else who could be otherwise unknown … UNLESS … they are reflected in your light.

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Photo by Josiel Miranda on Pexels.com

I’ll give you a recent example: the most visible victims/survivors of abuse right now are the victims of R. Kelly because of the recent documentary. Second place goes to the victims of Michael Jackson who are starring in a popular documentary on the hidden life of the King of Pop right now at Sundance. They are no ordinary victims. They are victims whose survival has put them in the spotlight for good or bad. Being victimized by a “star” raises their level of visibility.

Consider this, in ordinary life sometimes false accusations are made to leverage your popularity and bring the fake victims to the attention of whoever it is in interested in YOU. For every legitimate victim there are always fake victims who seek to join the bandwagon of attention.  If you are the target of false accusations remember that this could be the reason why you have been single out.  So, how does one break the cycle of the “Blame Gamers?”

One way is to simply not allow yourself to be bothered. While this works most of the time, if you are being slandered as part of a concerted effort to destroy you, your reputation and all that includes, then investigate filing a slander/libel lawsuit. Short of that block and delete regularly on all your social media outlets. This is a new type of self care that has been necessitated by the internet.

Contact me for a reading: marieismagick@gmail.com

About Me: http://www.mariebargas.com